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Archive for July 14th, 2011

Planting a Home Herb Garden

If you love the flavor that adding fresh herbs to your cooking gives, but you hate to spend a lot of money in the grocery store to constantly purchase them, then you may have just figured out when to plant a home herb garden. Once you have come to the conclusion that you will be better off doing it yourself than relying on the store to have just what you need, you are ready to make the move to growing the herbs yourself.

When to plant your herb garden will depend on where you live. If you live in an area with mild winters, you may plant most herbs in the fall or the spring. However, if you live in a colder climate and experience hard frosts, you will need to be aware of the exact requirements of the herb(s) you are planting. While indoor herb gardens can be planted virtually all year round in containers or via hydroponics, the best time to start an outdoor garden in the northern hemisphere is in the spring time and after the last threat of frost.

However if you’re starting with seeds you can get a jump on the season by starting your seeds indoors under grow lights or in windowsills that will allow 4-6 hours of daily sun, usually at a south and/or west facing window, and then transplant them to the garden (or if you prefer, larger containers) when the weather warms up. Look for compact seeds as they will grow best in indoor containers and check seed packets for individual planting depths. For best results from this method use the same kind of containers and potting mix that you’d use for other indoor seedlings, keeping the soil mix moist until the seeds germinate. Set lights between 3 to 6 inches above the plants, and water thoroughly whenever the soil gets dry to the touch, but not too wet as that can result in root rot. Always keep your plants away from temperature extremes like the kitchen stove or a fireplace. For best results before transplanting outdoors, help the plants adjust by putting the seedlings outside briefly each day while progressively increasing the time for a week or more.

Of course the first step is to figure out what herbs you want to plant and where, keeping in mind that most herbs require lots of sunshine and moderate wind protection. Luckily, this type of garden doesn’t take up a lot of space. You can use an existing vegetable garden or a raised garden or even grow the herbs in separate containers if your yard has minimal space. Once that’s determined and understanding that the time of year can make a big difference to the growth of any plant, you’ll want to know when to plant your home herb garden.

Once the plants have enough foliage to sustain growth, you can start harvesting your herbs continually. The more you harvest the more growth the plant will produce. Pinch off flower buds to keep the plants growing.

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When to Plant a Backyard Herb Garden

With the way the economy is looking these days, people all over the nation are looking for ways to improve their lives without having to spend a lot of money. It is so easy to spend a lot of that flimsy green paper we keep in our wallets if we depend on outside sources to supply our homes and families with the things that we daily need. However, with a garden in the backyard, you can save yourself a lot of worry and money by learning to be self sufficient. But you’ll need to know a few tips, like where and how and when to plant a backyard herb garden. Here are a few tips.

Planting a garden in the backyard can be one of the best things you do for your home. It becomes a place of work and enjoyment–a place for the family to come together and work towards a common goal that will benefit all involved. It adds a simple element of beauty and a sense of home to your residence, and will be something you can surely be proud of as you learn to take care of it, and use what you can gain from it. Having a backyard herb garden can also be extremely beneficial for your kitchen, as fresh herbs will constantly be available for use.

While early to mid spring is generally the best time to start a backyard herb garden, the right time for you will surely depend on your location, and the kind of climate that you have in your area. There are some herbs that are not suited to certain areas, and others that are perfect. What you’ll have to do is do some research on the individual herbs, with the knowledge of what kind of climate you really have. What you’ll want to do is make a list of what kinds of herbs you would like to have in your garden. Also, by planting the garden as close to the kitchen as possible, you will be able to access the herbs at any time.

Many people like to make this backyard herb garden a special place, adding decorative things like fences, or little signs to indicate what kinds of herbs are contained in the garden. These things are very important, as they serve more purposes than just aesthetic quality. The fences, although cute, can also help to keep out unwanted animals or children. By having labels for each plant, you can always be sure what kind of herbs you are gathering. And by knowing when to plant a backyard herb garden, you can be sure to make the whole garden experience a great success.

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Indoor Versus Outdoor Herb Gardens

Are you planning on planting a herb garden? What a wonderful way to bring fresh herbs into your home and kitchen, and what better way to occupy your free time? There are many pros and cons to having either an indoor or an outdoor setting for your herb garden, but the choice is ultimately yours, and whatever will work best with your situation is the best way to go. Here are some things to consider when you are deciding where and how to put in a herb garden.

The great thing about it all is that herbs don’t necessarily need soil, and can be grown all year long, no matter what the weather is-as long as you do it right. It is important to begin with seedlings when growing an herb garden, and, should you do it in the spring, it will be important to begin the growing process inside. You will need to find a sunny location, or begin in a greenhouse, if you can.

Some herbs are so small and take up so little room that you can actually put them all in one container, and save a lot of space. If you are planning on having your herb garden inside, this can be a great advantage, as your amount of space may be somewhat limited.

There are many herbs that simply will need to be replanted every year, so this gives you that indoor-outdoor option over and over again annually. If you have been blessed with good soil, and a good climate for the herbs that you are trying to grow, an outside herb garden can be an attractive addition to your home. However, if the soil is sandy or not very healthy, you’ll need to provide a some space that contains the right kind of soil and conditions that will be conducive for the growth of the plant.

Garden boxes can be purchased that will raise up the herbs from the level of the ground, and also give you a good place to plant the herbs in healthy soil. This is something that can be placed outside in your garden, or perhaps even in your windowsill. As each herb requires different things, it might be best to determine what kinds of herbs you are planning to grow, and then decide where to grow them, so that the atmosphere provides the best place for them to flourish.

As you learn more and practice, you will soon find having an herb garden – indoor or outdoor – is a fulfilling and useful hobby to have.

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Benefits of an Indoor Herb Garden

Even if you live in an apartment or condo, or just don’t have available space or a big backyard, you can still get your fresh herbs by growing an indoor herb garden. There’s nothing better for a home cook than to have fresh herbs at their fingertips. Plus indoor herb gardens can be grown year around since they won’t be affected by inclement weather or rapid temperature changes.

You can traditionally plant (or buy) your indoor herbs in containers, or you can choose hydroponic gardening. Planting in containers is usually less expensive but takes a little more time and effort, and needs to be in a location that gets at least 4-6 hours of sunshine daily – usually at a south and/or west facing window if you live in the northern hemisphere. If you do not have a location where your plants can get sufficient sunlight, you might consider grow lights which have a larger light spectrum than incandescent light that plants need to survive and grow. Containers can be anything from a purchased pot (be sure the pot is suitable for live plants) to buckets, even old boots or discarded toilets (cleaned of course).

Hydroponics is getting more and more popular and is a method of growing plants without soil and has been around for thousands of years. The growth rate is considerably quicker than planting in soil, up to 50 percent in some cases and the yield is usually greater too. Plants in a hydroponic system derive their water and nutrients directly to the roots several times a day instead of having to search the soil for them. These plants also have fewer problems with bugs, fungi and disease and are generally healthier and happier, plus they use much less water. Whichever way you choose you’re sure to have fresh herbs.

There are several advantages (and some disadvantages) to growing an indoor herb garden.

Some of the advantages include:

* Plants are protected from inclement weather
* Easily accessible and convenient
* Can be grown all year long regardless of season
* The plants help keep the indoor air cleaner
* Easy to move to shaded area if sun gets too hot
* Insects and fungus are easier to keep under control
* Requires less fertilizer, if any
* No need for bird netting
* No need for weeding
* No need for gardening tools like hoes, rakes, shovels, etc.

Disadvantages include:

* Less productive yields, however hydroponics will provide you with greater yields.
* Must provide adequate lighting either from sunlight or HID grow lights if sunlight is not sufficient
* Less growing space which, depending on your indoor accommodations, might mean less selection
* More difficult to maintain proper fertilization which often results in over fertilizing
* Proper watering can be more difficult since soil indoors doesn’t adjust or dry out as well which can result in over watering and root rot.
* I’ve heard some say there’s less flavor, but I haven’t noticed it myself.

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Watering Your Herb Garden

When it comes to planting an herb garden in or outside of your home, there are many things to consider. However, overall, it can be a very fulfilling experience. While it is true that each herb requires different steps to keep it healthy and growing, the way to find that information is so simple, and the steps required are not too difficult.

One of the first things that you need to know is what exactly you are working with. What kind of herbs are actually found in your home herb garden? Make a list, and then look more carefully into the individual requirements for care that each has. Different herbs require different amounts of water or sunlight. Some are good almost anywhere, but others can be very delicate. You want to be sensitive to their needs, so that they will be able to yield the kind of plant that you will want to have—and will be able to use.

Also, be very aware of the climate that these herbs have to live in. If you have planted your home herb garden outside, those plants that do well in the area in which you live will thrive and do well, as you work to keep them trimmed and taken care of. Others may not survive, and would really do better outside.

Once you have determined these things, you can move ahead to the actual watering and maintaining of these beautiful plants. Most herbs require moist soil all of the time, and a good place to receive some sunlight. In fact, on average, an herb prefers to have at least six hours of sunlight a day.

Water your plants regularly, but provide a way for any extra water to drain so that your little herbs will not drown. You want the soil to be moist, but avoid watering it to the point where it becomes soggy.

Be aware of which plants are healthy and which are not. Thin out those plants that are not healthy, so as to provide room for the stronger plants to grow.
Depending on the function you would have for the herbs you have planted, be aware of what tips you’ll need to know in order to maximize them. For instance, some plants will taste and smell better if you pluck off the flowers as they continue to grow. Little things like that will make all the difference. As you continue to regularly water and maintain your herb garden, you will be greatly satisfied with the kinds of things it produces for you.

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Keeping Your Garden Properly Fertilized

One hobby that is quickly gaining popularity among many Americans is herb gardening. Herb gardening is a great way for people to spend time while saving money and living a healthier and more sustainable life. Herbs are expensive when you have to buy them in the supermarket. Additionally, these herbs have to be picked before they are completely ripe or ready for harvest so that they won’t spoil before they hit the shelves. These commercially produced herbs are also grown with many different pesticides and chemicals that can be dangerous to the health of you and your family. Because of the chemicals that are used on these herbs, many people choose to go a more organic route and grow their own. For people who do this it is important to know about keeping your herb garden properly fertilized so that your plants do not die from lack of nutrients or because you used the wrong type of fertilizer.

Knowing how to fertilize your herbs and garden plants properly is one of the most important skills that you can get as a home gardener. One of the best options for home fertilizing is home made mulch made out of products that you would normally throw out. Any food products that you would normally put in the garbage can be a great nutritional option to add to grass clippings and other debris from your yard.

Fertilizing your herbs is one of the most important steps that you will take when growing your own plants. This process will keep our herbs growing vigorously through both warm and cold periods. Fertilizer should be spread through the garden or pot where the plants are planted regularly. Every few weeks you should scatter fertilizer in the garden to keep your plants healthy.

The other part of proper fertilization is watering. Plants need both food and water just like humans so giving the appropriate amount of water is important. Each different type of herb that you grow will require different amounts of both fertilizer and water so it is important to do a little research on the herbs you are growing before you start a regular watering and fertilization program.

Keeping your herbs healthy is very important and should be a priority so your herbs can become a part of the food that comes out of your kitchen. If you have further questions about fertilization and watering, you may want to ask a professional at a home and gardening shop. Experiment with different herbs and you will be sure to add variety to your cooking.

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Keeping Your Garden Pest Free

Millions of people around the world choose to plant their own herbs and vegetables in order to get the great benefits that are associated with gardening. When you grow your own produce and herbs you not only save money, but you also eat healthier. Vegetables and herbs that are grown in your home have a higher nutritional value than those that can be purchased at the store because they can be harvested at peak ripeness and have not been sprayed with pesticides and other dangerous chemicals. Spraying plants with these chemicals can be dangerous, especially if the vegetation is not thoroughly cleaned before it is eaten. Because of this, many people choose not to use these chemicals in their gardens. Since no pesticides and chemicals are used, it is important to find a way to keep your herb garden pest free in other ways.

Herbs are actually some of the most resilient and insect resistant plants that can be grown but you will still have to take some steps to keep insects and other pests away. One of the first things that you will want to think about is where you are going to plant your herbs. If you are planning on an outdoor garden, you will have to do much more to protect your vegetables from being destroyed. One of the first things that you will want to do to protect an outdoor herb garden is put some type of fence around it. A fence will keep out small critters that will eat the herbs and vegetables. Next you will want to look into ultrasonic devices that deter pests. These machines keep pests away by sending out sound frequencies that cannot be heard by humans.

Another thing that you may want to consider is companion planting. There are many herbs that insects do not like and will stay away from. Marigolds and basil give off a fragrance that can act as a bug repellant. This can be a great way to naturally keep insects away from your herb garden.

One easy way to keep your herb garden pest free is to grow them indoors. Hydroponic herb gardening can actually save you a lot of space and can be a much easier way to grow herbs and other plants. Hydroponic gardening is a method of gardening that does not use soil, so there is nowhere for pests to live and reproduce. Regardless of which method you use to keep your herb garden free of pests, you will be able to enjoy fresh herbs without the chemicals that are used on commercially produced plants.

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Safe Pest Control

One of the most rapidly growing hobbies right now is herb gardening. It seems like gardens are popping up everywhere with people trying to eat healthier, more organically, and without straining the environment. Growing your own herbs is also a great way to save on groceries with food prices increasing all the time. Since there are so many people that are now getting into gardening it is important for them to get information about how to care for their new gardens. The biggest concern that a person will probably have with a garden is herb garden pests and safe pest control. There are many different types of herb garden pests so it is important to do some research and find out how you can safely protect the herbs that you worked so hard to grow.

There are basically 2 different types of herb garden pests and safe pest control measures can be taken to prevent both types. The first type of herb garden pests are insects. Insects can destroy an herb garden so it is important to take necessary precautions to avoid insect infestation. You will want to get rid of places where bugs can live, such as leaves, debris, tools, etc. You should move all of the waste material to your compost bin to eliminate these living spaces. During the colder months, when nothing is growing, you will probably want to spray insecticide. Make sure to read the directions on the packaging, as you may do serious damage to the soil if you apply the spray incorrectly. One thing that you need to realize as a gardener is that there are both good and bad insects. If you have a question about which bugs are good and which are bad, you can catch one in a jar and take it to a local garden supply store, as they will be able to tell you what the insect is.

The other type of herb garden pests and safe pest control against them are varmints and birds. Poisoning these animals can be effective but you will need to be extremely careful, especially if you have pets that go out into the garden area.

Learning more about herb garden pests and safe pest control is not difficult. There are actually a variety of different websites that have tips, suggestions, and even “how to” videos on how to protect your garden from the different pests that are out there. Search the Internet for these sites and take some time to read the suggestions that are available.

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Herb Garden Pest Control

If you are an avid gardener, then you know how difficult it can be to maintain herb garden pest control. If you are just getting started with an herb garden, you will want to know which pests are problems and how you can get rid of them safely. It is a good idea to check with a local agency to find out which pests are potential problems in your area. Depending on the area of the world you live in, you will have problems with different pests.

Once you have identified the most likely pests, you can make a determination on the best way to eliminate them. For herb garden pest control, you want to use natural ways to deter the bad insects since you plan to use the herbs medicinally or in your cooking. You don’t want to spray harmful chemicals on your herbs to kill the bugs and then turn around and give those chemicals to your family.

There are actually some good insects that will be beneficial to your garden and will take care of many of the bad ones, so this is a natural way to control the pest population. You don’t want to get rid of the good bugs at the same time as the bad, so identifying which pests you have is very important. Some of the bad insects include aphids. These are tiny soft‐bodied insects that feed on plants and like to be near the tips of the plants or on the underside of the leaves. Leafminers and spider mites can also be identified by the look of the leaves of your plants. Snails and slugs are often found in damp climates and tend to leave behind a slimy trail.

If you notice some of these bad bugs, you will hopefully also notice that they have attracted the good bugs which will help with your herb garden pest control. The Praying Mantis is a good bug that will eat almost any other insect and will keep the pest population down. Another good bug is a ladybug. They can each eat over fifty aphids per day. Wasps can be good because they pollinate for you and also help with controlling the aphid population.

If the natural cycle has not helped enough with herb garden pest control, you may want to plant herbs such as Pennyroyal that help to repel insects between other plants. As a last resort, look into some natural or organic pesticides. Make sure that whatever you use is safe for your family and targets the specific pests you have.

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How to Grow Your Own Basil

There is just something so refreshing about knowing that you did something to produce the food you eat. The element of care and love seems to almost make the taste sweeter or richer, and there is great satisfaction in the consumption of food you produced yourself. People all over the nation are now turning to backyard or community gardens, and are finding not only a great resource of fresh herbs and vegetables, but also a healthy, unifying place for work and hobby. If you are also thinking about growing your own basil, consider some of these helpful tips.

Basil is a wonderful herb that is very simple to grow, and can be used in many different dishes when you are cooking. The best month to grow basil is March, and this hardy plant can honestly survive almost anything. Many people grow basil in their greenhouse out back, but growing your own basil can be accomplished even on your very own kitchen windowsill. Basil just needs a healthy serving of sunlight every day. Growing this plant indoors is also a great idea, as it is generally very sensitive to the cold.

If you have not had very much practice at growing herbs or vegetables, a good idea that will help to get you started is to search for an adolescent basil plant that is already growing somewhere else–at a store, or even from a friend who’s had some experience with gardening. Almost any local garden store will have something that will suit your needs and desires.

If you wish to make the basil plant you are growing and even bushier specimen, remove the tip of the shoot. This is an especially good idea once the plants reaches 15 cm tall. Once the year gets to June, you can then begin another batch of basil just outside of the house, in an accessible place. June is generally the perfect time to start moving your indoor plants outside. The best plants you’ll want to have are those that are bushy, and lack any signs of flowering. Those plants that have many side-shoots are also a good idea to have.

Basil can be grown in a pot as well. There are a great number of pots and growing containers in your local garden and hardware store. you will want to find something that has a hole in the bottom, so as to allow the extra water to drain if needed. Be sure also to purchase a nutrient-rich soil.

Growing your own basil can be a rewarding and fun experience. Try it today.

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July 2011